Jewellery Upkeep: Tips on Taking Care of Jewellery

Jewellery upkeep can be difficult to manage to keep your items looking shiny after having them for a few years. However in order to keep your items looking brand new it is important to ensure they are cleaned properly. In order to clean your jewellery it is important to know what kind it is to find the best way to clean it.  For example using water on metal jewellery can tarnish it, leaving it discoloured. Therefore it would be better to use an anti-tarnish cloth to keep jewellery metal jewellery clean. Anti-tarnish cloths also work well with most jewellery to keep them clean but for a better clean some other products would be better.

Silver jewellery upkeep

silver earrings and necklace how to ensure jewellery upkeep

One way to take care of silver jewellery is to make sure it doesn’t come near any chemicals and to clean silver jewellery you can use an anti-tarnish cloth. However for a better clean, you could use slightly warm water with some dish soap. By placing the jewellery in the hot dish soap it helps lift dirt and polishes it back up. To make sure it is all clean it is also good to gently brush over the jewellery with a toothbrush, then dry it and go over it with the anti-tarnish cloth.


Gold jewellery upkeep


In order to take care of gold jewellery you should avoid chemicals as it can change the colour of the gold. To keep gold jewellery clean, lightly cover it in baking soda and add a few drops of vinegar over it. Scrub the baking soda and vinegar into the jewellery with a small toothbrush and then rinse off with warm water. If you do not have baking soda to hand you will be pleased to know you can also use warm water and dish soap to clean your gold jewellery.

red heel with pearls jewellery upkeep

Ways to keep your jewellery shiny for longer


It can be annoying to clean jewellery every so often. In order to prevent this it is always important to take all jewellery off if going into water. This will stop it from rusting and stops it tarnishing as quickly. It is also important to make sure to put your jewellery away in its box as if you leave jewellery out the air gets to it and can discolour jewellery, especially if it is rose gold.